Three Degrees Plus: A Journey to the End of the World
This pamphlet transcribes and reformats 3GRADPLUS: A Journey to the End of the World, one of my public performances, produced by the 2019 International Summer Festival Kampnagel in Hamburg. For the event, I re-enacted my reporting process for the piece “Der Fall Benjamin Green” [“The Case of Benjamin Green”] in the Swiss weekly Das Magazin, interviewing the writers, scientists, researchers and characters from the piece in the contingent and unpredictable setting of live theater. Some participants were present via video link; a few of the magazin's original illustrations are reproduced here. Across its three hours, the event moved into progressively darker territory, as the room became heated and an Earth warmed beyond three degrees came into clearer view. Edited by Benjamin Tiven for the Oslo Architecture Triennale Pamphlets.
The Property Issue – Politics of Space and Data
Who owns the land? is a central question because space is a resource as vital as air and water. Today, however, data ownership has become just as relevant as the question of land ownership in the context of urban planning. Technology companies are entering the field of architecture with algorithm-driven planning methods and massive investments in infrastructures and smart cities. In their technocratic vision, citizens become users, architecture becomes an instrument of statistics, and concepts such as the city and society become mere algorithmic assemblages. This issue, co-edited by ARCH+, Arno Brandlhuber, and Olaf Grawert of station+/ETH Zurich, discusses the politics of space and data; the real and virtual assets of the city of the future.
Para Platforms
Para-Platforms investigates the social, spatial, and material reality of right-wing populism. Three case studies—presented in a symposium organized by Markus Miessen at the Gothenburg Design Festival in November 2017—form the core from which this collection of essays has grown: journalist Hannes Grassegger on Trump and Brexit; architectural theorist Stephan Trüby on spaces of right-wing extremism in Germany; and Christina Varvia on Forensic Architecture's investigation of the murder of Halit Yozgat, a young German man of Turkish descent, at the hands of a far-right group in 2006. Edited by Markus Miessen and Zoë Ritts.
Wellen Schlagen
Erstmals erzählen zwanzig namhafte Reporterinnen und Reporter, welche Folgen eine Veröffentlichung für die Betroffenen und auch für sie selbst hatte. Mal löste ein Porträt einen Shitstorm aus, mal veränderte eine Reportage ein Leben, verbesserte oder zerstörte es. Es sind skurrile, amüsante und auch tragische Erlebnisse, die hinter die Kulissen des Medienbetriebs blicken lassen und beweisen: Die Macht des gedruckten Wortes ist ungebrochen.
Total Data - Total Control
Wenn alle Geschehnisse detailgenau digital erfasst und auswertbar werden – wie beeinflusst das unsere Freiheiten? Mit Beiträgen von Bruno S. Frey, Hannes Grassegger, Ernst Hafen, Konrad Hummler, Martin Killias, René Scheu, u.a.
Albtraum Partizipation
Welcome to Harmonistan! Berlin-based architect/writer Markus Miessen tackles the pervasive contemporary overuse of the concept of "participation". Vorwort von Hannes Grassegger.